
Showing posts from December, 2016

Have a Creative Outlet

Do you have a creative outlet in your life?  You may be lucky to work in a creative field that stimulates your mind of creativity but there are some who find it a lot harder to get that innate creativity.    When I was young, I assumed that creativity was all about your ability to: paint draw sculpt dance create music But it is about a those and a whole lot more. And that’s why we all need a creative outlet — it's not to simply create things — but to allow ourselves to fully express our true selves. We allow our own inner light to shine through in our creations. When was the last time you sat down and colored?  Why don’t we do that kind of thing anymore? I finally realized that the only thing that allows my mind to completely "go quiet" is writing. Yet it still has taken me years to recognize that I could actually cultivate this habit. I grew up with voices in my head that said creative activities were for kids and not a productive use of ti

Self-kindness is self-care

I hope you're having a good holiday. I'm spending mine so far on just relaxing and decompressing with my family after a very full 2016. Now, the newsletter today is about one area that I've written a lot about in the past four years and that is still very close to my heart. It is what I like to call self-kindness. It's close to my heart because it has meant so much to me. By being kinder towards myself, I have become happier, more effective and motivated and it has helped me to become kinder and better in my relationships with other people too. But it's also close to my heart because almost every week I read in the newspapers and in my inbox how people's self-worth seems to get worse. If you  do not feel so good about yourself , if you think that your self-esteem is a bit low or you beat yourself up regularly when making a mistake then there are things you can do. There are habits you can develop within yourself to become more self-reliant