
Showing posts from October, 2016

He's not all intimacy!

It’s such a simple thing to fall into somebody’s arms, to throw yourself into their bed, to learn the language of fingertips on skin.  In sex, we can find ourselves or lose ourselves, long moments of free-floating bliss where nothing else exists except mouths and hands and the sounds clothes make as they shed. But the mere act of being with someone isn’t enough to satisfy me. Intimacy goes beyond sharing my body; I want to share my soul.   From the couch, to the bed, out doors at a football game and even traveling the world together, there's that same old feeling, intimacy.  His voice, when he makes a joke and he knows you'll like the punch line, the disappointment you'll feel even across phone lines, those rays of intimate energy. We have so gone away from being that spirit being after living so long in this shell that we've forgotten how we operate.  We fall so short of happiness because of humanism.  Now I am not saying go out and leave your boyfriend,

Quick Motivation Tips

Alright, I have just a few moments to get you motivated and give you some quick tips to get you on your way! 1. Find that one thing and don’t stop until you do At the crux of motivation is finding something that self-motivates you. We don’t need to use big, overused words like passion or purpose. Let’s take a more simplistic approach and just say that you need to find the thing that put’s you in the zone. The thing that you dream about all day and the thing that brings out emotion in you. When something starts to make you feel all sorts of emotions, then you’re probably on the right track.  What stops us from being motivated though is that we don’t search long enough. You have to try 100’s of things before you find the one that ticks all the boxes. What makes it even harder is that finding your one thing changes over time. For some people, every two years they have to find that one thing again. Or, that one thing might morph into similar related activities. Either way, you

Empowered, enriched, and confidence

See, when I was in $40000 level of debt, I felt like there was no way out... I had my back against the wall and a so-called gun to my head.  Here are the three things: 1). Invest in Knowledge:  The only reason that I've been able to do what I do is that I invest greatly in knowledge. Here's the funny thing about knowledge... the bank can't take it from you, it can also be applied in a multitude of businesses.  And remember the Return On Income on knowledge. You may know something and not use it for years... yet that ONE time you need it, may make you a million bucks or even save your life.  2). Invest in Assets:  I remember when I was 39, a billionaire that I was fortunate enough to know told me this... I didn't truly understand what it meant at the time (and it was nothing about real estate), however, it's about OWNING what you build.  It's an investment that will always pay off.  3). Invest in Mentors:  There are 3 or 4 people who are responsible

The 5 Mindsets of Successful People

Over the past couple of years I've had the opportunity to work with many different people. The question that is often talked about is what makes the difference between the people who "get what they want" and everyone else? It all comes down to mindset and perspective. Here are five perspectives that these people have in common. 1. Successful people have a purpose. When you look at great achievements and the people who worked on them, there is a common theme. Every great achievement came from the person having a purpose. This purpose was greater than just themselves or their personal gain. Of course achievers understand that they themselves will benefit from the achievement but this ego driven desire is not enough. Successful people do what they do because of a need to see these achievements come to the world and impact us all. 2.Successful people use their time to its fullest. Using all your available time to forge

10 Sign Emotional Wounds Are Holding You Back!

Sometimes we find ourselves trying just about everything to overcome our frustrating mental blocks. LOA, Affirmations, Visualizations, Positive thinking, prayer..... But nothing seems to work?  You're not alone.. And when we seek deeper to understand the reasons. We find there are things from our past that are blocking us subconsciously holding us back like a heavy thick rope tied around our leg. Often times as they are forgotten and deep-seated in our minds but the symptoms, well they don't go away. Here are 10 signs of emotional wounds or trauma's that may be holding you back and the  solution for them . 1.  Addictive behaviors – turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling as a way to push difficult emotions and upsetting trauma content further away. 2. Not able to tolerate intense feelings - preferring to even avoid feelings by any number of ways 3. Having a variety of short but intense relationships, refusing to have any relati

Feeling down? Here's 7 steps to pep in your step.

From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a little depressed. Maybe we are feeling overwhelmed, or feel bad because we’re not doing well with our goals. There are many reasons for feeling down, and I’m not qualified to discuss all of them, their implications, or clinical treatment. What I can talk about are some things that have worked for me. Feeling a little depressed can interfere with achieving our goals. We know we should be doing something, but we just don’t feel like doing anything. This can last for a long time if you don’t head it off as soon as possible and take action. Here are some of the things that work best for me: 1. Make a list Sometimes we are depressed simply because we are overwhelmed with all the things we have to do that we haven’t gotten around to doing. You might be into GTD, but sometimes every GTDer falls behind with his system, and sometimes you just don’t have the energy to do so. So all the “stuff” that’s in our hea

Overcome Frustration

Today's article is about something that can wind you up and take  so much out of you. Because it not only sucks energy but also distracts you and can steal quite a bit of time. It’s about frustration . And what you can do about it when it threatens to suck you down into negativity. Let me share 3 steps to turn such a state of mind or day around. Step 1: Be here now. When you are frustrated then you are often somewhere in the future in your mind. Somewhere you wish you would be. Or you are reliving a stumble or failure from your past. Snap out of those head spaces and calm down by focusing your mind and attention on what is now, right here at this moment. You can do so by for example focusing on your breathing. So sit down, close your eyes and just focus on the air going and out of your nose for 1-2 minutes. Take calm and slightly deeper breaths than usual and breathe with your belly and not your chest. Step 2: Appreciate what you do have. After you have pulled your attention ba

Ask for what you WANT and Get it.

One of life’s fundamental truths states: Ask and you shall receive. Isn’t that simple? Of course it is. The world responds to those who ask. Most people in this world, however, find themselves in settled lives, never really achieving or receiving what they hold in their dreams … because they just never ask. The truth is, when you take control of your life by asking for what you want and need, you can accomplish anything your heart desires. No doubt, you know of people who seem to walk into any situation and any relationship expecting success. They achieve success again and again because they’ve learned and acted on one simple truth:  You will reach your goals only with the  help of others. Here are seven ways to ensure that your asking gets results. 1. Ask with confidence. If you ask with confidence, you will get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. A confident state of mind will affect everything else: your body posture, eye contact, tone of voice

Reprogramming Your Mind

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind There are several ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. We will explore four powerful and effective strategies within this article. These strategies are affirmations, visualization, meditation and positive self-talk. Limited beliefs and negative habits can be reprogrammed by using affirmations. The subconscious mind learns through repetition.  An affirmation is a definitive statement asserting that something exists or is true .  Every belief and habit you possess was formed through repetition; and we can implant new ones the same way. The first step toward implanting new beliefs and developing new habits is to know exactly what you really want to have, do and be. So, let’s explore affirmations! Strategy 1: Affirmations Affirmations are an effective way to plant positive messages into your subconscious. It is one of the most effective ways to change a limited or negative belief.  You must be careful of what you affirm as it become

How to stop talking yourself out of success.

Do you feel like you are always talking yourself out of success?    As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren't up to the task or how you simply aren't qualified to carry it through?   If you have ever experienced either situation, you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialogue.  Instead of obeying your negative commands, you can use positive self-talk to counter the negativity and overcome nearly all anxious thoughts. Setting Goals and Sticking to Them with Positive Self-Talk Are you initially filled with excitement when you first set goals for yourself? Are these thoughts then followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you even get started?  It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly talking yourself out of being a success.  It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Man