Overcome Frustration

Today's article is about something that can wind you up and take so much out of you.

Because it not only sucks energy but also distracts you and can steal quite a bit of

It’s about frustration. And what you can do about it when it threatens to suck you
down into negativity.

Let me share 3 steps to turn such a state of mind or day around.

Step 1: Be here now.

When you are frustrated then you are often somewhere in the future in your mind.
Somewhere you wish you would be. Or you are reliving a stumble or failure from
your past.

Snap out of those head spaces and calm down by focusing your mind and attention
on what is now, right here at this moment.

You can do so by for example focusing on your breathing. So sit down, close your
eyes and just focus on the air going and out of your nose for 1-2 minutes. Take calm
and slightly deeper breaths than usual and breathe with your belly and not your chest.

Step 2: Appreciate what you do have.

After you have pulled your attention back to where it can be most helpful focus it on
what is still positive in your life.

The quickest and easiest way to do so is to focus it on appreciating what you do have.

A favorite of mine during this step is the important things we may sometimes take
for granted. Like for instance:

- A warm home and a roof over your head.
- Plenty of drinkable water.
- Not having to go hungry.

Spend a few minutes on this and you’ll find much to be grateful for.

Step 3: Focus on what you can do right now.

With your attention in the present moment and your mood a more grateful and
positive one it is now time to get constructive about what frustrates you.

Do that by asking yourself:

What is one small step I can take right now to improve this situation?

It may be to see what you can learn from what frustrates you and to try another
path towards your goal.

Or it could be you simply realizing that you may have taken on a bit much lately
or things have been tough and that you need to take this evening or a few days to
just relax, take care of yourself and perhaps simplify a bit.


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