Feeling down? Here's 7 steps to pep in your step.

From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a
little depressed. Maybe we are feeling overwhelmed, or feel
bad because we’re not doing well with our goals. There are
many reasons for feeling down, and I’m not qualified to
discuss all of them, their implications, or clinical
treatment. What I can talk about are some things that have
worked for me.

Feeling a little depressed can interfere with achieving our
goals. We know we should be doing something, but we just
don’t feel like doing anything. This can last for a long
time if you don’t head it off as soon as possible and take
action. Here are some of the things that work best for me:

1. Make a list
Sometimes we are depressed simply because we are
overwhelmed with all the things we have to do that we
haven’t gotten around to doing. You might be into GTD, but
sometimes every GTDer falls behind with his system, and
sometimes you just don’t have the energy to do so. So all
the “stuff” that’s in our head can overwhelm us. Start
simply by picking up a piece of paper and a pen, and making
a list of the most pressing things you have to do. Sometimes
it’s work stuff, sometimes it’s stuff around the house
that’s bothering us, sometimes it’s goal tasks, or a
combination of these and more. Simply making a list can be a
big relief — you’re getting things under control. You can
see, right in front of you, what you need to do, and that
alone can pick up your mood.

2. Take action
You’ve made a list, and you still feel overwhelmed? Well,
get started on the first thing you need to do. Is it a big task?
Break it down and just do the smallest task, something just
to get you started. Once you get started, once you get into
action, you’ll feel better. Trust me. You might still feel
overwhelmed, but at least you’re doing something. And once
you start doing something, you’ve got momentum, and that
feels much better than lying around feeling sorry for yourself.

3. Exercise
I know, you might not be in the mood for exercise. But just
do it! Taking a walk, going for a run, going to the gym,
whatever it is you do for exercise — get out and do it now!
You don’t need to do a real hard workout, but the simple act
of exercise can lift your mood immediately. Just do it!

4. Shower and groom yourself
Laying around in your underwear, smelling bad, is not going
to do you any good. Simply showering, and feeling clean, can
do wonders for your mood. Brush your teeth, comb your hair,
shave, do whatever it is that you need to do to feel clean and
good about yourself. Instant pick me up!

5. Get out of the house and do something
Sometimes, if you stay home lying around, feeling depressed,
just getting out (after showering and grooming) will change your
mood. Staying home all the time can really get you down, and
you may not realize this until you go out and do something.
Preferably something on your list (see No. 1).

6. Play some lively music
I like Brown Eyed Girl, the Kinks, the Ramones, or an upbeat
Beatles tune, but you might have your own brand of feel-good
music. Whatever it is, crank it up, and let yourself move to the
beat. It may just be what the doctor ordered.

7. Talk about it
Got a significant other, best friend, family member, co-worker
you can talk to? Bend their ear. That’s what they’re their for.
If you don’t, there are hotlines, or professionals, you can talk to.
And then there’s always online forums. These are great places
to find someone to talk to. Getting things off your chest makes a
big difference, and can be a huge lift. It can also help you
work out the reasons you’re feeling down.
Article by zenhabits.net

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