Reprogramming Your Mind

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
There are several ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. We will explore four powerful and effective strategies within this article. These strategies are affirmations, visualization, meditation and positive self-talk.
Limited beliefs and negative habits can be reprogrammed by using affirmations. The subconscious mind learns through repetition. An affirmation is a definitive statement asserting that something exists or is true.  Every belief and habit you possess was formed through repetition; and we can implant new ones the same way. The first step toward implanting new beliefs and developing new habits is to know exactly what you really want to have, do and be. So, let’s explore affirmations!
Strategy 1: Affirmations
Affirmations are an effective way to plant positive messages into your subconscious. It is one of the most effective ways to change a limited or negative belief.  You must be careful of what you affirm as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you continuously say “this is never going to work,” then it is highly probable that things never will.
Repetition of an affirmation changes the neural pathways in your brain over time to produce the new belief.  Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, MD, PhD, a practicing neuro-psychiatrist and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Vermont School of Medicine says, “We can rewire the patterns in our brain with cognitive behavioral therapy or affirmations. Affirmations change the way our brains are wired and the brain lights up differently.”
Here are some examples of affirmations:
  1. I am a genius and use my mind, talents, gifts and abilities to produce wealth.
  2. I am living a life of divine purpose and destiny.
  3. I am emotionally, mentally and psychologically sound.
  4. I am focused and driven to create the life I want and deserve.
  5. I am a money magnet; money flows to me.
Strategy 2: Visualization
Visualization is a technique that involves focusing on positive mental images in order to achieve a particular goal. It is the ability to vividly imagine something—to “see” it in the mind’s eye—before it exists in any physical reality. Steve Jobs had a clear mental image of what the iPhone would look like and its functions and features before he and his team began to design and build it. Visual images have a huge impact on your brain, both consciously and subconsciously. Consequently, visualization is a great way to program/reprogram your subconscious mind.


  1. I use affirmations every day and they really work. And I've visualised my dream home and a year later on the exact date of my goal, I moved into it. How amazing is that. Thanks sharing Edna.

    1. Yes, I learned how powerful I words, feelings and thoughts were when I started affirmations and reprogramming 5 years ago. We are amazingly and awesomely ceated. Thank you for your comment.


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