He's not all intimacy!

It’s such a simple thing to fall into somebody’s arms, to throw yourself into their bed, to learn the language of fingertips on skin. 

In sex, we can find ourselves or lose ourselves, long moments of free-floating bliss where nothing else exists except mouths and hands and the sounds clothes make as they shed.

But the mere act of being with someone isn’t enough to satisfy me. Intimacy goes beyond sharing my body; I want to share my soul. 

From the couch, to the bed, out doors at a football game and even traveling the world together, there's that same old feeling, intimacy.  His voice, when he makes a joke and he knows you'll like the punch line, the disappointment you'll feel even across phone lines, those rays of intimate energy.

We have so gone away from being that spirit being after living so long in this shell that we've forgotten how we operate.  We fall so short of happiness because of humanism. 

Now I am not saying go out and leave your boyfriend, significant other, companion or spouse, however what I am saying are you picking up what your partner is putting down?  Or are you settling for what's being vibrated?  
You see when we are not confident, happy and not excited about life we vibrate in a low frequency like turning the dial on the radio and hearing that sizzle noise in between strong dialed radio stations, you are that sizzle.  Until you become fine tuned into your own fallacies, strengths, needs and desires your signal will never be strong enough to be picked up by someone looking for you who is turning the dial.   And everyone needs intimacy it's how we were created.

It's that place where you view the soul even when they're not around, the chuckle you have when you miss them so much but don't want to say or that way you put on when you want to be mad at them.  That gap from soul to soul.  

We've all heard the lyrics to the song, "wise men say only fools rush in", but what we don't finish singing is the entire lyric " Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you."

I want a partner that will stay as I fall.  It's a very simple thing to enjoy Eros, erotic love but we know enough to completely fulfill it.  

 Yes, without the shades of gray from old man OG Crew, or boxed up lies from community offenders, friends and family, I am sure you and your partner can navigate through to intimacy, some Place so rarely visited.

Maybe that is the "there" most artists want to take us in their lyrics, writings, drawings, words and voices but we are too busy feeling the baseline, the bright colors, the common words, and high pitched sounds when we should be feeling for the treble, seeing the hue's and listening for the break.  

That space, a final frontier, to boldly go where few men can go in to you (intimacy). 

Gather your thoughts and critique yourself and discover what you really want for your soul before choosing for someone what they gonna get.  It's not all what you see, it's what you feel.  


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