10 Sign Emotional Wounds Are Holding You Back!

Sometimes we find ourselves trying just about everything to overcome our frustrating mental blocks.

LOA, Affirmations, Visualizations, Positive thinking, prayer.....
But nothing seems to work? 

You're not alone..

And when we seek deeper to understand the reasons.

We find there are things from our past that are blocking us subconsciously holding us back like a heavy thick rope tied around our leg.

Often times as they are forgotten and deep-seated in our minds but the symptoms, well they don't go away.

1.  Addictive behaviors – turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling as a way to push difficult emotions and upsetting trauma content further away.

2. Not able to tolerate intense feelings - preferring to even avoid feelings by any number of ways

3. Having a variety of short but intense relationships, refusing to have any relationships, dysfunctional relationships, frequent love/hate relationships

4.  Eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia, obesity, etc

5. Frequent self-blame – taking on inappropriate responsibility as if everything is their fault.

6. Inappropriate attachments to mother figures or father figure, even with dysfunctional or unhealthy people

7.  Intense anxiety and constant worry

8.  Ongoing or chronic depression

9.  Repeatedly acting from a victim role in current day relationships

10.  Repeatedly taking on the rescuer role, even when inappropriate to do so

It's shocking that traumas are one of the biggest reasons why people are not able to achieve more despite all the great techniques out there.

Almost as though we are looking for a door to find out way out.

Now just imagine you found yourself standing in front of gargantuan wooden doors.

And on the other side, you have your clear path with bright shining white lights.

All you need to do is push down on those tiny levers.. to swing open those huge doors and discover the person who will guide you through your journey.  That person is you!  Begin to trust yourself again. 

Go open the doors now.


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